Home Healthcare Service

Be informed that here at Choice of Kings Specialist Hospital, we render more than Hospital-based healthcare. We have taken a step forward by providing Home-based healthcare services where you are nursed and nurtured within your house. Through this special health plan, we make residential healthcare services available to our esteemed patients in the comfort of their homes, with full compliance to covid-19 procedures. Our efficient Nurses and Doctors are on standby to attend to your health needs as soon as you make request for this plan.

To access Home Healthcare Services, there are three options: Log on to our website and click on Home Healthcare Service. State the kind of healthcare you need and when you will need it. An email will be sent to you requesting you to make payment.
Or Send a request for home healthcare service to choiceofkingsspecialist@gmail.com. Or simply put a call through to 09027045106
Our HMO Partners are:



For enquiries or consultation, feel free to contact us any time.